Selected research, publishing & curatorial projects
Open Book Futures (OBF)
OBF is funded by Arcadia and the Research England Development (RED) Fund. The research project builds upon the work of the COPIM project (2019–2023), and is led by Lancaster University. Open Book Futures aims to initiate a step-change in the ambition, scope and impact of community-led Open Access book publishing.
Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM)
The COPIM research project was funded by the Research England Development (RED) Fund and Arcadia. The project formed an international
partnership of researchers, universities, librarians, open access publishers and infrastructure providers, all united by a desire to enable open access book publishing to flourish.
Experimental research, archive activation
With: Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Arsenal – Institut für Film und Videokunst e.V. / Archive ausser sich and Pina Bausch Foundation
An exploration of aesthetic discourses, the cultural topography of the archive, and its political agency. How can an archive’s materialized descriptions of complex cultural milieus become a tool to unravel collaborative knowledge production? How can we render visible the relations, genealogies, and resistances of the materials and objects of an archive?
Workshop, reader
Institutions as a Way of Life, Critical Media Lab (ixdm) FHNW HGK Basel (CH)
With: Lucie Kolb
Recomposing the inevitable canonizing power of all institutional practice, and in particular “research”. If we are to change institutional life (of which all life takes part), we must first change our understandings of how to act within them.
Reading performance
Centre culturel suisse, Paris (FR)
With: Ross Exo Adams, dpr-barcelona, continent.
Friendship as a space for the problematization of identity and difference beyond ideological stand-offs between affirmation and critique.
CURATORIAL DESIGN: A PLACE BETWEEN Artistic researchWith: IZK TU Graz, TU Vienna et al.The project proposes—in a three-year period—to set up a new research unit within the Institute for Contemporary Art (IZK) at the Graz University of Technology, dedicated to investigating the meaning and implications of what it means to design curatorially. The Curatorial Design unit will use rigorous, cross-disciplinary research and discussion with international partners to establish a ground for a curatorial mode of thinking in relation to architecture and to define novel spatial strategies.
Project for "Schools of Schools," Istanbul Design Biennial 2018
With: Jamie Allen, Donato Ricci, Selcuk Artut, Michael Edward Young, Benoit Verjat and Paolo Patelli
"Teaching Lies" interrogates the illusory deception at work in the designed modern world. Its scope is to identify, expose, discuss and exhibit these modes, and is aimed at participatively producing potentials for emancipative play and productive dissimulations of these deceptions. We seek to analyze, explore and re-compose the rhetorical figures and material strategies behind communication, design, media, technology and art, as part of our post-factual condition; in a context where terms of art and artifice — like "fabulation" — have become the main means of doing art, design and, by extension communication, politics and life.
View a draft for the course's SYLLABUS
Installation, publication, website
Swiss contribution for London Design Biennial 2018 on commission by Pro Helvetia
With: common-interest, continent., dinamo, Kaja Kusztra, Vanessa Lorenzo, Raphaelle Mueller, Raeuber&Stehler
‘Body of Us’ consists of a physical installation and an audio piece in Somerset House, as well as of a publication and a website. It is an exercise in and a reflection on friendly relationships as potentially emancipatory connections: elective, messy, open ended and in constant flux, as are the emotions they generate. Many relationships, may they be legal, historical symbolic, normative, affective or emotional, are playing a role between different actors: human or not, visible or invisible, technological or biological, known or unknown. The project focuses on forms of relating and togetherness that are able to challenge the broadly accepted norms, binaries and conditions of contemporary working and living environments, modes of political, institutional and economic governance. Can friendship be regarded and developed as a tactics or a technology for orienting within the world for the sake of a common cause that might bring about the growth and practice of more ethical modes of living and acting together? Who is ‘I’ and who are ‘we’ when we talk about ‘us’?
A festival as publication
HyperWerk HGK FHNW, Basel (CH), Hamburg (DE)
The publication as a festival, the festival as a publication.
Web-based work transgressing into physical space for Daniela Silvestrin ""
The House of Dust by Alison Knowles at CNEAI=, Magasins Généraux.
With Joana Chicau & Fiona Shipwright
This project sets out to explore the void, the pause, the absence, omissions and silence in language in reference to the null program (rejected as an empty file within some coding languages considered as valid code within others), non-coding DNA, John Cage’s silence as “all of the sound that we do not intend” and Giorgio Agamben’s “potentiality."
Research, Format
'The Architecture of the Queue and the Politics of Queueing' is the common undertaking of Pablo Calderón Salazar, Zeno Franchini, Francesca Gattello, Rebekka Kiesewetter, Parasite 2.0, Paolo Patelli and Giuditta Vendrame. It will manifest in a digital research data base and in physical interactions with queues. We are interested in the spatial, mental, political, economical and social implications of the queue, its taxonomies, preconditions, procedures and the parameters of interdependence between its 'actors.'
Research, Workshop
Mons Invisible, Jardin Disparu, Mons (BE)
Exploring ways of friendly collaboration.